
Vertical CO2 Storage Tank

JRS vertical CO2 tanks include a high quality perlite vacuum insulation. The inner tank as well as all interconnecting pipe work is made of stainless steel and the outer vessel has a durable protective coating to guard against corrosion. The maximum working pressure is 22 bar. JRS’s vacuum insulated storage tanks are designed for easy handling and installation on site.

Advantages of JWI vertical, vacuum insulated CO2 storage tanks:

  • Simple and safe to operate
  • Easily installed
  • Fully automatic
  • Compact
  • Maintenance free
  • No power consumption
  • Special connections for easy installation of various equipment

37t vertical, vacuum insulated
CO2 storage tank

Pipework is made of stainless steel


Following sizes are available:

Model:     Tank Capacity: Tank weight:
Tons: Nominal
Max. liquid
CO2 content:
Tare: Full: Diameter: Height:
6.1 6’100 5’840 4’700 10’540 1’600 7’250
11.0 11’000 10’540 7’700 18’240 2’200 6’400
17.0 17’000 16’290 11’000 27’290 2’200 8’950
20.0 20’000 19’160 12’600 31’760 2’200 10’250
23.0 23’000 22’110 11’800 33’910 2’200 11’600
28.0 28’000 26’820 16’100 42’920 2’500 10’350
32.0 32’300 30’660 17’900 48’560 2’500 11’600
37.0 36’600 35’450 19’900 55’350 2’500 12’900
41.0 41’000 39’280 24’900 64’180 2’500 14’150
50.0 50’000 47’900 27’400 75’300 3’000 11’500
73.0 73’000 69’930 38’200 108’130 3’000 16’300